The devastating wildfires in Los Angeles have brought widespread destruction, leaving families displaced and businesses, including those in the space industry, severely damaged. The region is home to thousands of federal and commercial space operations, from startups to major aerospace contractors and research labs and facilities.
At SpaceNews, we recognize the resilience and innovation that define this industry. In these challenging times, it’s vital to support those in need.
To assist, SpaceNews has compiled a list of reputable donation sites to help those affected:
• Red Cross Disaster Relief:
• California Fire Foundation:
• World Central Kitchen:
In addition, information to donate to the Caltech and JPL Disaster Relief Fund is here.
SpaceNews is not affiliated with any of the charities.
If you know of additional donation sites or resources, we are offering free posting of links to maximize visibility and support. Please send your submissions to, and we will ensure our list remains updated for the community.
The road to recovery is long, but together we can make a difference. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to those in need.